About us

Executive and Stewards

Below you will find the names of your current Executive Representatives:

President:                          Ashley 
Vice-President:                 Shannon 
Treasurer:                         Genevieve
Recording Secretary:       Terri Lynn 


  • Kelly  (Shelter- Unit A)
  • Megan  (Shelter-Unit A)
  • Rachael  (Supportive Housing- Unit B)
  • Sarah (Supportive Housing-Unit B)

Permanent Committees

Labour Management Committee:

The Shelter (5381-Unit A) and Supportive Housing (5381-Unit B) have their own Labour Management committees. The representatives from these committees meet with the employer on a regular basis in a formal private setting to communicate concerns and grievances brought forth by union members.  This is also a time for us to build positive labour relations with the employer by nurturing communication. If you have complaints, please do not hesitate to bring them forth to your union representatives as we want to ensure you feel happy and fairly treated in your working environment.

Your representatives for…..

The Shelter  (5381-Unit A)

  • Elissa
  • Shelley

The Supportive Housing (5381-Unit B)

  • Genevieve
  • Rachael


Healthy and Safety Committee:

The health and safety committee meets on a regular bases to discuss concerns surrounding health and safety issues in the workplace at all Cornerstone locations. The objective of the committee is to ensure each locations safety standards are met, health and safety issues and reports are reviewed, analyzed, and changes are made to ensure we are safe at all times in the workplace.

Your representatives for…

The Shelter (5381-Unit A)

  • Shannon (temporarily)

The Supportive Housing (5381-Unit B)Rachael

  •  Rachael
  • India


Bargaining Committee:

The Bargaining Committee Takes the union member’s feedback and pulls it together as a package of proposals to take to the bargaining table on behalf of the members. The Bargaining committee is responsible for negotiating and bargaining the Collective Agreement. During discussions with the employer this committee works to gain and/or maintain as much as possible for its members.

The Shelter (5381-Unit A)

  •  Kelly
  • Shannon

The Supportive Housing (5381-Unit B)

  • Ashley
  • Genevieve






Committee and Excecutive Reports and Updates

Health and Safety:

Please be aware that dates for Health and Saftey meetings will be posted in the Calendar.  We ask that if you have any Health and Saftey concerns you bring them to your representatives for review and they can table them at a meeting with the employer.

 Labor Management:

Please be aware that dates for the next Labor Management meetings have been posted in the Calendar. If you have any concerns please bring them to your representatives.

Bargaining :

Notice to Bargain will be submitted by our CUPE rep very soon. We ask that all Bargaining issues be brought forth and submitted by October 13th. The Recording Secretary will be submitting all Bargaining concerns by October 13th. Please notes that all submissions will require your name and contact information.

Secretary Recording Notes and Updates:

Last Membership meeting was on September 28th and  Quorm was established. Thanks to all the members who came out, it was wonderful to see such a great turn out. At this meeting elections took place. Congratulations to all those who were voted/appointed in to positions. Note that the Union boards at all locations have been updated with contact information for the Executive.

Note that many of your concerns brought up at the meeting is being looked into and we are hopeful for resolution. We will be sharing this information at the next membership meeting.

Thank you to Elissa for looking at different ideas for a Local 5381 gathering. We will discuss this at next meeting in hopes that plans can be made.

Please be aware that at the next membership meeting secretary notes will be read verbatim to the union members

{Please note that due to confidentiality of the union, not all notes will be shared on-line. If you would like to review last meeting notes,  please contact your Recording Secretary or Acting President and time will be offered to meet.}